Glendarroch Services

Thank you for considering Glendarroch Homes. The most important thing to understand when you build or remodel a home is that you are embarking on a new relationship in which we are working together to build or improve your home.
At the end of the project, your home will showcase our talents as a builder, so we are just as committed to the craftsmanship and quality as you are.
Design Phase
Preliminary Meeting – We will walk through a finished home and fill out a specification sheet to give us an idea of what you are looking for in your home. This will include top level information such as sqft, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, style of home, flooring preference, appliance manufacturer, etc.
Preliminary Estimate – Based on the walk-through meeting we will provide a comprehensive preliminary estimate. We will include as many details as possible so that you are aware of all of the assumptions we are making about your project. This will give you an idea of how much it will cost for your home as well as any options.
Construction Drawings – If you feel comfortable with the preliminary estimate and with us as a builder, then together we will schedule meetings with the architect to start drawing plans. If the estimate was a little higher than you want to spend, we can value engineer your plans during the design phase to get to a certain budget. We will go to all the meetings together so we can collaborate on the design, and we will provide input on the cost of different options so you can make decisions based on real time feedback. After each meeting, the architect will send us an updated plan and we will revise the budget based on the new plan. It is a fluid process that ultimately wraps up with a home design you love and a budget that you are comfortable with. Our goal is to make sure there are no surprises at the end of the design process.
Bidding Process – When the plans are finished then we will send them out for bid to all of our vendors. We have multiple vendors that we use for each major trade, so they know that they are bidding against a competitor to win the job. This ensures that we get the lowest price for our clients.
Contract – Our hope is that if the final estimate comes back in line our last preliminary estimate, then we will execute a contract and begin construction.
Construction Phase
Preconstruction Meeting
A few weeks before we commence construction, our construction team will sit down with you to review your plans and budget in detail. We want to ensure that all of our assumptions match your expectations regarding the finish out and the entirety of your project.
In addition to regular meetings on site, we will send out a status email every Monday with what to expect over the next weeks regarding construction on the project, as well as what selections are needed over the next few weeks. We want to give you ample time to make every selection so that you never feel rushed.
Whether you are choosing cabinets, tile, light fixtures or appliances, we will assist as necessary with every selection for your home. We want to offer our interior design expertise as well as support to stay within your budget.
Financial Phase

Cost Controls – Every vendor invoice that we receive is triple checked before it is paid.
- Check 1 – The bookkeeper cross checks the invoice against the formal
estimate from the vendor and then checks to see how much the vendor has been
already been paid for this particular line item. - Check 2 – The project supervisor verifies that the work has been completed and that it is up to our standards before he approves.
- Check 3 – After the invoice has been approved by the bookkeeper and the
supervisor, the construction manager has final signature authority.
Draw Process – We have worked with many banks in the area, national financial
advisors and cash buyers, so we are familiar with all the different funding processes. We send client invoices for work that is complete and they will be able to approve every draw before it is funded. Each time we send an invoice we can provide an estimate vs actual report so you know where your cost is relative to the budget.
Change Orders – Undoubtedly there will be changes to the scope of work during the process. Glendarroch Homes charges a nominal change order fee to cover administrative time to gather and determine cost information and gain client approval.